Rare Elements Foundry
Rare Elements Foundry acquired by Shire Post Mint
In 2021, Shire Post Mint acquired Rare Elements Foundry. Rare Elements Foundry was founded in 2013 by Miya Sohoza & Kerry Bodenbender. We at Shire Post Mint have been fans of Miya and Kerry's work for years. We hope to honor and uplift the incredible designs they have created.
A bit about Shire Post Mint:
Tom Maringer, blacksmith-turned-coinmaker, always had a passion for collecting stamps and coins. He stumbled upon an antique screw press in 2001 and decided to try making coins. Shire Post Mint started in 2003 when Tom Maringer began making officially licensed coins for George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. Since then, our team has grown to employ the whole Maringer family and a fantastic team of nerds, tinkerers, and enthusiasts. We now make official coins from The Lord of the Rings, American Gods, Mistborn, The Kingkiller Chronicle, Conan the Barbarian, The Demon Cycle, and more. We still make our coins using hand-engraved designs and antique coin machines. We work in metals like copper, fine silver, brass, bronze, iron, titanium, anodized niobium, and mokume-gane.
Learn more about our process
The future of Rare Elements Foundry:
Our main goal is to preserve, honor, and uplift the incredible designs on the coins. For us, this means a shift away from bulk sets and towards items like single coins, decision makers, pendants, and wax seal designs.
All backstock that was originally minted by Rare Elements Foundry as well as designs brought back into production were made available on shirepost.com on August 16, 2021.