D20's Orbs & More Cast From the Fires of Shire Post Mint
We're excited to announce that we're expanding our catalog of unique and satisfying products in a big way!

We cast these solid metal objects in house using the metal left over from minting our coins. This process ensures metal purity as well as helps us to use our excess material. Once we use up our excess metal, these will go out of stock until we have enough material saved to make another batch. We've been running our new electric furnace practically non-stop!
Built to Ponder
The orbs can be used in a variety of ways: desk toy, meditation tool, RPG prop, a long-lasting gift, mini shot put training, forbidden cue ball, spiritual hot potato, non-bouncing bouncy ball, hard mode juggling, try to hatch a dragon from it, and more!
Our orbs are 2.25" in diameter.
Woody shows off our casting equipment on a prototype D20 and sends it into the postal stream 📫